Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@ aol.com During the past year, it became evident that past LWVNYS voter guide policy on CANDIDATE NIGHTS needed to be clarified and amended. Leagues were confused as to whether different kind of events, i.e,debates, forums, meet the candidate nights, etc. all needed to follow same rules. Many local leagues had questions and...
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By Lisa Scott, President, LWV of Suffolk County (with changes to make it appropriate for Nassau County)   The League of Women Voters (LWV) has a strong commitment to open government and civic engagement. Protecting our right to know is integral to the health of our democracy. One important way to ensure that decisions are...
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The Phi Delta Kappa, a US professional organization for educators, recently presented two educational grants to The League of Women Voters of NYS Education Foundation. One was for the use of the LWVNYS, and the other for the use of the LWV of East Nassau. The grants were given by members of Phi Delta Kappa,...
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Mark your calendars to meet at the United Nations on Thursday, November 16, for the League’s Annual Day at the United Nations. It will begin with lunch in the Delegates’ Dining Room, tours of the UN, and briefings by UN experts. Registration coming soon!
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September 26 is National Voter Registration Day. Most local Leagues and other organizations are organizing voter registration drives on this day. Contact your local League and offer to help out and register voters! Let’s get everyone registered to vote!
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Tuesday, September 26th is National Voter Registration Day. On that day, League will have two tables set up to register voters at the Broadway Commons in Hicksville (formally Broadway Mall), from 1 – 5 pm. We need volunteers for this important job. Two people are needed per table for each two-hour period. Please contact Barbara...
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100 years ago, the women of NYS won a long-fought battle to have the right to vote. This preceded national woman suffrage by two years. On Saturday, October 21, we will have a rally to celebrate this achievement, at the Supreme Courthouse in Mineola, with one of the voting machines actually used to vote for...
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Saturday, August 26th, is Women’s Equality Day, the day the 19th Amendment was certified granting women the right to vote nationwide. Be sure to tweet, post or share info to celebrate this date! Watch for postings by the state League that you can share and repost.
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One of the most pleasant tasks of being state board president is visiting local Leagues all over this amazing state of ours. While the glow has not yet faded from my last visit – in this case, to the Schuyler County LWV in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes – let me share all the things that...
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On your ballot in November there will be a proposition to determine whether there should be a NYS Constitutional Convention. This proposition is required to be on the ballot every 20 years. If there is a Con-Con, and there are decisions to make changes in the state constitution, the changes would be presented to the...
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