Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

League Direct Mail Appeal We continue to be active at the Capitol during this budget process. If you haven’t already done so and you’d like to make a gift to support our advocacy efforts, please use this link to make a gift today:  https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/hQUE1blw9x-qEEC6eqk1Yg. We are hard at work making our voices heard at the...
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Advocacy Training/Lobby Day Advocacy training day will be held on Tuesday, April 25, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We have moved it into the Legislative Office Building for easier access to legislators and the capitol. We are charging $15 which includes lunch. We have asked Issue Specialists to present their hot topics for this...
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100th Anniversary Dates November 6, 2017                 100th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in New York State November 19, 2019               100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of New York State February 14, 2020              ...
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LWV of Huntington held our first youth committee meeting where we had three  students  attend and participate.  We did a role play of Vote 18  and the students gave us some great ideas to use for hot topics to bring up when we are presenting it to schools.  They will also be contacting their schools and arranging for...
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LWVUS Board Sets Legislative Priorities for 2017    The LWVUS Board set the following as the legislative priorities for 2017: Campaign for Making Democracy Work™ (MDW), with special emphasis on protecting voting rights. Watchdog: Respond strategically on issues with LWV positions when needed, but focus on the campaign for Making Democracy Work™. The board recognizes...
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Kate Jankowski, Director of Communications & Development, Kate@lwvny.org Our annual solicitation letter for the League of Women Voters of NYS will hit your mailbox soon. If you’d like to get a jump on your annual gift, you can give now by clicking here: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/hQUE1blw9x-qEEC6eqk1Yg. Thank you for your support of our efforts to make democracy work!
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LEAGUE’S STATE CONVENTION IS COMING! The 57 State League Convention is scheduled for June 10-11, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Express in Liverpool, NY (just off the Thruway near Syracuse). We will be sending out the registration kits next week.   Field Trip! To celebrate women achieving the right to vote in 1917 in NYS,...
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Jennifer Wilson, Director of Program & Policy, jennifer@lwvny.org   Budget Testimony This year the League submitted and presented testimony at a total of three budget hearings. We submitted testimony on election law to the Joint Committee on Public Protection and education testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. We presented our testimony on ethics reforms...
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We know that many of you want to know what the state League board decided at its March 23-24 meeting about the position the League will take on the 2017 Constitutional Convention ballot question (oppose, support, or remain neutral). And we want you to know that the discussions many local Leagues held on this topic...
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I was one of over 1,000 people who turned out for a Rochester luncheon on February 15th honoring Susan B Anthony’s birthday and was lucky enough to get this picture with the “star” (an impersonator, of course). I was also lucky enough to be wearing – just by chance – the red and black colors...
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