Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

As we celebrated the 97th anniversary this week, plans are underway for the League’s 100th birthday in 2020! The League Anniversary Committee approved a logo and belief statement for the celebration which you can see HERE. We will be providing updates to this page as the plans unfold, including customizable graphics for state and local...
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100th Anniversary Dates November 6, 2017                 100 th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in New York State November 19, 2019               100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of New York State February 14, 2020            ...
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As the evidence of accelerated climate change and its impact on society mounts, there is an increasing sense of urgency to find solutions. Join a webinar hosted by the LWVUS Price on Carbon Steering Committee to learn how putting a price on carbon works and why scientists, economists and world leaders view pricing carbon as...
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The League joined a letter to members of Congress opposing efforts to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s Methane and Natural Gas Waste Rule under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). The BLM rule is a common sense policy that requires the oil and gas industry to reduce venting, flaring and leaks on public and tribal...
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National Convention 2018 will be held June 28 – July 1 in Chicago! Please save the date and add a National Convention line item to your state and local League budgets for FY2017-18. The registration fee will be $450 per person and double rooms at the Hilton Chicago are $209 (plus tax) per night. We...
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This week the League launched our Instagram account @leagueofwomenvoters. We will be sharing historical photos as well as current campaigns and cross promoting the work of state and local Leagues. Updated social media guidelines – including best practices for Instagram – will be available soon and in a future League Update. Author LWVEastNassau View all...
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The League sent an action alert urging members of the grassroots lobby corps to contact their Representatives regarding the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Please contact your Representatives or call 866-426-2631 to be connected via phone. You can also use this page to contact your Senators. Tell your member of Congress: Don’t repeal...
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 3:00 p.m. Board meeting at the Levittown Public Library. Thursday, March 2, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Candidates forum at the Freeport Memorial Library. The program is co-sponsored by the library and the league. The three teams running for the Village of Freeport Mayor, Trustee, and Village Justice have been invited. They are: Mayor Robert T....
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The League’s 2016-2018 guide to public policy positions is now available for download HERE. Those Leagues who wish to receive a printed copy may make a purchase on Amazon or download for Kindle. Thanks to Joyce Corrington, president of the LWV of Louisiana, for driving this partnership with Amazon to make print copies available to...
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The LWVUS Board set the following as the legislative priorities for 2017: Campaign for Making Democracy Work™ (MDW), with special emphasis on protecting voting rights. Watchdog: Respond strategically on issues with LWV positions when needed, but focus on the campaign for Making Democracy Work™. The board recognizes that the next year will be full of...
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