Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://lwvofeastnassau.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Celebrating-Women-in-Media.pdf”]
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The League of Women Voters of Nassau County in Recognition of Women’s History Month Will host a Buffet Luncheon Celebrating “Women in Media” ~ Sunday, March 13, 2016 12 Noon to 4:00 P.M. Verdi’s of Westbury 680 Old Country Road Westbury, New York 11590 ~ Keynote Speaker: Joye Brown, Newsday Columnist Among the Honorees are:...
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To further our efforts on this crucial representation issue, the League has joined up with three other organizations and named ourselves,  Nassau County United Redistricting Coalition (“Coalition”), an independent non-partisan coalition co-founded by LatinoJustice, Common  Cause New York, La Fuente, and, the League of Women Voters of Nassau County; we have also developed and launched the...
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Common Cause/NY La Fuente-Long Island Civic Participation Project Latino Justice PRLDEF League of Women Voters of Nassau County Long Island Civic Engagement Table Nassau County Chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union
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Thank you for everything all of you did this fall to register voters, distribute voters guides, organize Vote 411 and hold candidate forums for the general election. We also very much appreciate your help and support in our successful effort to pass Proposal 1 on the ballot, reforming how redistricting is done in this state....
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Human trafficking appears in many guises in the United States. This is a list of the most common cases as compiled by www.polarisproject.org: Labor Trafficking: This type of human trafficking several industries such as Domestic Servitude/Domestic Worker (i.e., nannies, maids and housekeepers, Small Businesses/”Mom and Pop” Operations (i.e., Landscaping, nail salons, restaurants, industrial cleaning construction...
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LWV - Logo
Posted on March 28, 2014  by admin Posted in Uncategorized Non-partisan Coalition in Talks with Republicans, Democrats to Craft Legislation Putting Voters at Heart of Process Chants of “Put voters first!” and “Si se puede!” (“Yes we can!”) filled the Nassau County legislature on Monday, as over 40 voters and supporters of the Nassau United Redistricting Coalition rallied outside and...
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LWV - Logo
March 24, 2014 — Coalition Rallies at Legislature Posted on March 28, 2014  by admin Posted in Uncategorized Non-partisan Coalition in Talks with Republicans, Democrats to Craft Legislation Putting Voters at Heart of Process Chants of “Put voters first!” and “Si se puede!” (“Yes we can!”) filled the Nassau County legislature on Monday, as over 40 voters and supporters of...
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