Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Nassau County Redistricting

Redistricting is the word currently heard everywhere in government. States are planning their new district maps based on the 2020 census results, with varying results. And, the Nassau County legislature will soon be setting up a redistricting commission based on the requirements of its charter. This is a recurring event that takes place every ten […]

Update on NYS Redistricting

Update on NYS Redistricting Barbara Epstein The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission is scheduled to meet on January 3, at 11 am. The commission must submit a map or maps by January to the legislature. The legislature can reject, amend and request other maps. The legislature would then have until February 15 to agree […]

Voting Rights Act


Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law The Voting Rights Act (VRA) was signed into law 56 years ago. Since its passage in 1965, the Lawyers’ Committee has used the VRA as a basis to challenge discriminatory voting practices like racial gerrymandering, strict voter ID laws, voter purges, and other attempts to prevent Black voters […]

Tell your Senators to Support the Equal Rights Amendment


This country has waited too long for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to become part of the U.S. Constitution. Over 100 years later (some) women gained the right to vote, women and nonbinary people are still not guaranteed equality under the law. The League has been committed to the ratification of the ERA since it […]

What Will Be on Your Ballot This November?

2021 Voters Guide Part II

We all know that there will be candidates for various offices on our ballots in November – but candidates for which offices? Since this year is a year for electing local officials, the ballot will contain the names of candidates for Nassau County Executive, District Attorney, Comptroller and Clerk, as well as for the candidates […]

Democracy Defense Fund

protecting the future of voting

The Democracy Defense Fund is designed to protecting voting rights and advance a more equitable democracy through advocacy and voter protection efforts. Our efforts to register, educate, and mobilize voters in the New American Majority must be accompanied by work to protect their voting rights and expand their access through persistent advocacy for a more equitable […]

Voter Registration


LWV East Nassau members Grace Felicetti and Ginny Carew spent a beautiful day at Cow Meadow Park helping people register to VOTE! Although you missed them, you can go to Vote411.org to register. For more information on how your voting rights in New York State, click here.