Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Town of Oyster Bay Glass Recycle Pilot Program

By Stephen Romano, Patch The Town of Oyster Bay has launched a pilot program for disposal of glass products; the first in Nassau County, The impetus was the new restrictions in the international recycling market which left towns all over the country without any way to dispose of their collected glass items in an environmentally […]

News on the Bethpage Plume

polluted beach

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has finally reached a decision to contain and treat groundwater pollution from the chemical plume in Nassau County that has affected 11 public water supply wells and threatens another 16 as it moves slowly southward. The state plan is the first major effort at remediation of […]

Students Inside Albany – Meet Alissa

The photo above shows the high school students from all over NYS who attended the LWVNYS Students Inside Albany conference in May 2019. Our local League has been sponsoring students to attend this amazing conference since its inception. Every one of the students who attended told us how wonderful the experience was, and how meaningful […]

Report On Election Monitoring Project

by Norma Schaeffer, Voter Service Director On June 28, 2019, our usual Freeport Housing Authority cadre came together to monitor the FHA election for Resident Commissioner. The day went smoothly due to everyone arriving at his/her location on time and staying until the ballot boxes were picked up by the maintenance people, who were not […]

Town of Oyster Bay S.T.O.P. and E-Waste Program

Hours for all dates is 9:00 am – 4:00 pm For additional information, go to www.oysterbaytown.com/recycling. T.O.B. Solid Waste Disposal Complex Bethpage-Sweet Hollow Road, Old Bethpage, NY 11804 Saturday July 13 Saturday August 10 Saturday September 7 Sunday October 27 The PQ Recycling Plant in Farmingdale is one of only two in NYS that purchase redeemed […]

Mark Your Calendars: Fall Candidate Forums

Town of Oyster Bay We are planning a candidate forum for Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor and three at-large town council seats on October 17th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library. Town of Hempstead We are planning a candidate forum for Town of Hempstead Supervisor on October 10 from 7:00 pm – […]