Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

President’s Message: June 2022

Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com I am now completing my first year as president of LWVNYS. I would like to thank each one of you for being members of this very important, non partisan political organization. Our members are our greatest asset. Without you we would not have accomplished what we did this past year. Without you we cannot accomplish […]

President’s Message: March 2022

The future depends on what you do today

It has been nine months since the LWVNY convention in 2021 when I was elected to be president of the LWVNY. This month for the first time we were able to hold an in-person board meeting. We were also able to hold two Regional Training Workshops in person with the remaining two (Scarsdale and Ithaca) […]

President’s Message

President’s Message Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com “To every season there is a purpose” Throughout the summer and fall, LWVNYS, local Leagues and League members have all been extremely busy registering and educating voters, holding candidate events and getting out the vote. With Election Day only a few days away, election season is almost over although there are […]

Sustainers’ Plaque

Looking for a lasting gift to honor a League leader from your League? Look no further!  For a gift of $200 or more, your honoree’s name will be added to the Sustainers’ Plaque, which is permanently displayed in the state office and proudly exhibited at state Conventions. The plaque reads: “In Honor of Service as […]

From the State President

We’re putting the final touches on the state Convention schedule and there’s a great line-up of speakers and workshops. It’s always a joy to see a lot of first-time Convention goers there, so we’ve planned topics to appeal to both the seasoned and the new League member. A good convention needs lots of both, so […]

From the State Office

Yes, we do realize that it’s already October and this is the September State Voter, but I think most of you understand. This fall is already going way too fast and we just haven’t had enough time to do all that we want. Thanks to all of the great work our members provided on Primary […]

From the President: Annual Budget Updates

We thank all those local Leagues who voted on our annual budget and sent directions to the board in advance of our June 7th Council. 23 local Leagues participated. A total of 170 proxy votes would be available if all Leagues participated, with 17 (10%) needed to constitute a quorum. The 84 qualified proxy votes […]

From the State Office

May has been a busy month for the League. We have been ramping up our advocacy efforts and our hard work is finally paying off! This month the Assembly passed several of our priority bills: Single Payer, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, single June primary, and legislation to include e-cigarettes under the Clean Indoor Air […]