Introducing the LWVUS Legal Center!

The new Legal Center on showcases where the League is fighting for voters’ rights and civil rights in courts around the country. CHECK OUT THE LEGAL CENTER We’ve launched the center with a number of important historic and active cases on our docket, and we’ll continue to build out the center with our […]
State Voter September 2022: Local League News

Albany County The Albany County League recently visited Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site at Val-Kill in Hyde Park, New York. Members toured the site and listened to a presentation by Supervisory Park Ranger Franceska Macsali Urbinon on Eleanor Roosevelt’s development as a crusader for social reform through her friendships with women activists of the 1920s […]
August 2022 State Board Update: Local League Support Committee

County Redistricting Toolkit

Want to learn more about county redistricting in your area? Check out our County Redistricting Toolkit below. You can also download this PDF to your computer to view offline. Do you have a question about redistricting or want to get involved in your League’s efforts? Email
April 30th Advocacy Training in Albany: CANCELLED
April 30, 2019’s Advocacy Training in Albany has been cancelled.
Essential To Do List for Candidate Events
CANDIDATE EVENTS ESSENTIALS EACH AND EVERY CANDIDATE EVENT, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS NAMED, MUST ABIDE BY WRITTEN POLICY Develop a comprehensive written Candidate Event policy reviewed annually by the Board that includes: Non-partisan statement. Prohibition against empty chair debates (LWVNY adopted policy July 2017). Recording policy. Criteria for Candidate inclusion (LWVNY recommends only including […]
June 2018 State Board Updates
If you are no longer President or on your local League board, please forward this to the appropriate board member – and be sure that your League has submitted the changes in your board to the state office. Local League To Do’s (email: or call 518-465-4162) Complete and return the Local League Update form […]
Regional Training Workshops
Regional Training Meetings, April 2018 It was great to see so many League members and friends at the 3 regional training workshops held this spring (Schenectady, Cortland and Rochester). The discussions were terrific and Leagues shared great ideas and activites with each other to make us all stronger. The handouts from the workshops are available […]
Advocacy Training and Lobby Day, April 24
Thank you to everyone who attended our lobby day this week! We had representatives from all over the state including Utica Rome, Rochester, North County, Mid-Hudson, Albany, Saratoga, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and New Castle. A total of 55 members attended the trainings and conducted lobby visits with more than 16 legislators. Our members were trained by […]
Money in Politics Action Kit Now Available
We’re pleased to announce a new Money in Politics Action Kit, developed by LWVUS Board member Amy Hjerstedt and MIP co-chair Barbara Zia. The kit provides tools for both seasoned leaders and newcomers, League members and nonmembers alike, to take action related to reforming money in politics. Other issue-related toolkits will be considered in the […]