Legislative Session Wrap-Up
The legislative session has ended. As expected, the Legislature failed to pass any of the progressive reforms we advocated for. We weren’t the only group scorned by the Assembly and Senate; very few issues were able to be resolved before the two houses gaveled out. Election law reforms, single payer health care, the Reproductive Health […]
League Opposes Effort to Overturn Methane and Natural Gas Waste Rule
The League joined a letter to members of Congress opposing efforts to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s Methane and Natural Gas Waste Rule under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). The BLM rule is a common sense policy that requires the oil and gas industry to reduce venting, flaring and leaks on public and tribal […]
League Calls on U.S. House to Keep Key Elements of the ACA
The League sent an action alert urging members of the grassroots lobby corps to contact their Representatives regarding the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Please contact your Representatives or call 866-426-2631 to be connected via phone. You can also use this page to contact your Senators. Tell your member of Congress: Don’t repeal […]
LWVUS Board Sets Legislative Priorities for 2017
The LWVUS Board set the following as the legislative priorities for 2017: Campaign for Making Democracy Work™ (MDW), with special emphasis on protecting voting rights. Watchdog: Respond strategically on issues with LWV positions when needed, but focus on the campaign for Making Democracy Work™. The board recognizes that the next year will be full of […]
Leagues Support Effort to Rescind Call for Article V Convention in Maryland
LWVUS joined LWVMD and 40 other national and local organizations supporting rescission of a resolution that calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, a convention can be called when two-thirds of the states (34) petition for a convention to enact amendments to the constitution. There are no safeguards […]
Action and Advocacy
The League of Women Voters of Nassau County believes that government at the regional level should be structured so that it can effectively and responsibly solve those problems that transcend political boundaries. The LWVNC, by including all of the Leagues within Nassau County, makes possible League Study and Action on region-wide problems and issues. The […]