Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

I write this from outside Washington, DC where Judie Gorenstein (VP, Voter Services) and I are among the 1 or 2 delegates from each of 42 (!) states – from Alaska to Florida – that are here for the LWVUS Council. The whole 3-day event is devoted to transforming the League for our next century...
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What a whirlwind these last few days have been for me as League president and how proud I’ve been of all of us – and of our past, present, and future. Our past includes being a training ground and a life-long connection for Eleanor Roosevelt who served on the state board in its early years. It...
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You want to take action? Keep informed on legislative issues and League action? Join the new google group. See information below or email Jennifer@lwvny.org to sign up.
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We know that many of you want to know what the state League board decided at its March 23-24 meeting about the position the League will take on the 2017 Constitutional Convention ballot question (oppose, support, or remain neutral). And we want you to know that the discussions many local Leagues held on this topic...
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I was one of over 1,000 people who turned out for a Rochester luncheon on February 15th honoring Susan B Anthony’s birthday and was lucky enough to get this picture with the “star” (an impersonator, of course). I was also lucky enough to be wearing – just by chance – the red and black colors...
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Leagues across the country have seen an impressive increase in membership in recent months, as new Leagues are forming from Utah to Georgia to Pennsylvania. We continue to be recognized as a go-to organization advocating for voting rights. The League is a trusted source when this key issue is in the news such as the...
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October was a busy month for New York State. Click here for the latest updates. Author LWVEastNassau View all posts
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September was a busy month for New York State. Click here for the latest updates.
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July was a busy month for New York State. Click here for the latest updates.
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