Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Getting Out the Vote in 2022

Getting Out the Vote in 2022 Nancy Rosenthal, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com The key in 2022 will be Getting Out the Vote (GOTV)! All voters were helped last week with the signing of legislation allowing for Voting by Absentee Ballot due to the Covid-19 Pandemic through 2022. This legislation will “ensure the pandemic does not create inaccessibility for voters during […]

Ethics & Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Bench made out of recycled bottles

Ethics Governor Hochul has made abolishing JCOPE, the much-maligned New York state ethics enforcement agency her main ethics priority. Her office has been working with the good government groups, including the League on this but it will also need to be negotiated with the Legislature. She included her proposal in with her budget submission last week. […]

Take Action on State Redistricting NOW

Take Action on State Redistricting NOW Today we sent a letter to the Legislative leaders urging transparency in their process and urging an opportunity for public input as they consider these maps. See the letter here: https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Jan-25-Letter-to-Leg-Leaders-re-Redistricting.pdf We encourage members to call their own NYS Senators and Assemblymembers reiterating the demand for hearings and public input […]

Redistricting Process: State and County

On January 3rd the Independent Redistricting Commission voted to submit two sets of maps for Congressional and state Legislative Districts, one Democratic and one Republican. Each received five votes. The League, Citizens Union and Reinvent Albany sent a letter to the Commissioners criticizing the failure to submit one set of maps. https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Letter-IRC-010322-FINAL.pdf. Because the Commission […]

President’s Message: January 2022

This is the beginning of 2022, a new year, which promises to be as challenging for the LWVNYS as was 2021. We are still fighting for voting rights both in Washington DC for federal changes and in NYS for changes to our own state laws. In fact as most if not all of you know, the proposals on last year’s […]

Happy New Year League Leaders

2022 Holiday Decor

Our Nation Happy New Year, League Leaders! On Tuesday, the White House made their boldest commitment to voting rights to date — calling for the passage of voting rights legislation by ending the Senate filibuster rule. This is the result of months of pressure, thousands of phone calls and letters, multiple protests at the White […]

Working Together: We Will Succeed and Reach Our Goals and Mission

working together

As president of LWVNY I know Leagues throughout the state are extremely busy as they educate voters on the ballot proposals this year, hold voter registration drives, prepare for their very important candidate events, and strive to GOTV.   This is in addition to all the other areas your individual Leagues work on.  I cannot tell you enough how LWVNYS appreciates all […]

The League Update: September 2021

September leaves changing colors

Our Nation Last week we saw what feels like the time turning backward, but we must not be dismayed. The Supreme Court failed to intervene on Texas’s new abortion law criminalizing abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. This infringement upon women and those who can become pregnant intersects with many of the issues we advocate […]