South Nassau Water Authority

South Nassau Water Authority The Town of Hempstead Has Appointed Commissioners to the South Nassau County Water Authority Board. John Reinhardt – Town of Hempstead Commissioner of Water Laura Ryder – Village of Lynbrook Trustee Joseph Baker – President of the South Merrick Community Civic Association NYS law provides for five commissioners with two appointed […]

Plastics NYS ban on polystyrene began with the New Year. The new law bans any single-use disposable polystyrene foam service containers including bowls, cartons, clamshells, cups, lids, plates and trays. Additionally, polystyrene packing peanuts will be illegal. Polystyrene is known as a problem piece of plastic. It is made from the chemical styrene, which environmental […]
February is Black History Month

February is Black History Month This federally recognized holiday celebrates the contributions African Americans have made to this country and provides a time to reflect on the continued struggle for racial justice. February 14th, 2022 marks the 102nd Anniversary of The League of Women Voters of the United States. The League was officially founded in […]
Who Wrote the Constitution?

Who Wrote the Constitution? “That’s obvious, we think: it was crafted by 55 men in powdered wigs who met in Philadelphia over the summer of 1787 with the charge of “establishing in these states a firm national government.” But more than 40 percent of the Constitution was actually written after 1787 in a series of […]
Celebrate 102nd Anniversary of The LWV of the United States

The League was officially founded in Chicago in 1920, just six months before the 19th amendment was ratified and women won the right to vote. Formed by the suffragists of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the League began as a “mighty political experiment” designed to help 20 million women carry out their new responsibilities […]
21-Day Better Listening Challenge

Feels like we are moving through January at lightning speed! But that is exactly why the sign-up for the 21-Day Better Listening Challenge© has been extended! You can still participate… just enroll with us by next Sunday, January 31st. Last month, we told you about the Challenge and its merits to us as individuals in […]
Getting Out the Vote in 2022
Getting Out the Vote in 2022 Nancy Rosenthal, The key in 2022 will be Getting Out the Vote (GOTV)! All voters were helped last week with the signing of legislation allowing for Voting by Absentee Ballot due to the Covid-19 Pandemic through 2022. This legislation will “ensure the pandemic does not create inaccessibility for voters during […]
Ethics & Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Ethics Governor Hochul has made abolishing JCOPE, the much-maligned New York state ethics enforcement agency her main ethics priority. Her office has been working with the good government groups, including the League on this but it will also need to be negotiated with the Legislature. She included her proposal in with her budget submission last week. […]
Take Action on State Redistricting NOW

Take Action on State Redistricting NOW Today we sent a letter to the Legislative leaders urging transparency in their process and urging an opportunity for public input as they consider these maps. See the letter here: We encourage members to call their own NYS Senators and Assemblymembers reiterating the demand for hearings and public input […]
Redistricting Process: State and County
On January 3rd the Independent Redistricting Commission voted to submit two sets of maps for Congressional and state Legislative Districts, one Democratic and one Republican. Each received five votes. The League, Citizens Union and Reinvent Albany sent a letter to the Commissioners criticizing the failure to submit one set of maps. Because the Commission […]