Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Our 100th Anniversaries

Histories of the State and Local Leagues in NYS In celebration of the state League’s 100th anniversary, the LWV of NYS has published two books: one commemorating the state League’s 100 years and one of histories from many of our local Leagues. You can purchase your copies now on the LWVNYS website:lwvny.org. A Force to […]

Address at 2018 National League Convention

From the beginning — even at its birth — the LWV was controversial: It was to be political — but non-partisan. Always a tricky balance — as you well know. It was to be a women’s political organization, but outside of the political parties. Also tricky. But you have faithfully and joyfully followed that idealistic […]

Women’s History Projects

Happy Birthday to us all! We’re sure that many of you have planned celebrations, events and activities to celebrate the League’s 100th anniversary. We will be posting a new resource kit on the state website in the next week, with examples of many of the great ideas already implemented. We hope others will share these […]

Local League Updates

EVERY local League MUST complete and return the attached Local League Update form, even if no one on your board has changed! This is crucial for the state office to know who to contact for what and who to include on group emails, etc. The people you list do NOT have to be on your […]

Because of Her Story – A Smithsonian Initiative

Because of Her Story “Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence” is part of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative, “Because of Her Story.” The initiative is one of the country’s most ambitious undertakings to research, collect, document display and share the compelling story of women. It will deepen our understanding of women’s contributions to […]

Who Was the First Woman Depicted on Currency?

The honor belongs to Arsinoe II, a Ptolemaic queen of Egypt, who appeared on a coin in the third century B.C., says Ellen Feingold, curator of the National Numismatic Collection. Others have included: Queen Elizabeth I of England in the 16th century Indira Gandhi in the 1980s Maria Montessori in the 1990s, and Eva Perón […]

Register for our Spring Webinars

Register for our Spring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Webinars We will be hosting three webinars on DEI this Spring. Topics will include knowledge sharing on terms and theories in the DEI space and how and why DEI should intersect with your League work. All League members with an interest in these important topics are […]

NY Suffragists were Inspired by Native American Culture

In the 1840s, when most women in the U.S. were considered the property of their husbands and courts blocked the use of domestic violence protections, early suffrage leaders, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Jocelyn Gage, saw that their neighbors, members of the Haudeosaunee indigenous people, had rights for women against assault and rape which were unknown […]


Re: Disaster at the Border We’re attacking this issue from a few different angles. We’ve added the League’s name to two coalition letters. The first is from the Value Our Families Campaign. The letter opposes cuts to our family-based immigration system and the diversity visa program or ramped up enforcement measures that would further tear […]

100th Anniversary

As we celebrated the 97th anniversary this week, plans are underway for the League’s 100th birthday in 2020! The League Anniversary Committee approved a logo and belief statement for the celebration which you can see HERE. We will be providing updates to this page as the plans unfold, including customizable graphics for state and local […]