Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

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These numbers indicate the important work we did and do with student voter registrations. Very impressive numbers!  Thanks to everyone! TOTALS 9 High Schools visited 1374 students contacted 930 registration forms collected 675 students agreed to three follow up contacts and provided email, cell phone numbers or home addresses 43 classes visited 196 hours of contact time in...
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Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today announced the Nassau Industrial Development Agency’s (NCIDA) approval of an economic development compact that will allow New York Community Bancorp to keep 463 current jobs in Nassau County that might have been shifted out-of-state and create 80 new private sector jobs. The compact will generate approximately $870 million...
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Posted on January 27, 2014  by admin Posted in Statements/Letters/Press Releases Coalition Issues Report Outlining the Need for Redistricting Reform in Nassau County Report highlights flaws in existing process and makes recommendations based on proven solutions MINEOLA, NY — Today, the Nassau United Redistricting Coalition presented a landmark report on how to reform Nassau County’s broken redistricting process. Several dozen Nassau...
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As I watch the political candidates, I notice the electioneering is near totally centered on money issues. I presume the candidates believe the adage that “people vote their pocketbooks” and that is often true. At the Hewlett-Woodmere street fair I heard an elderly woman verify that was her only consideration. Money being her only consideration is...
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Have you looked at the County website  (www.lwveastnassau.org) lately????  It is pretty darn phenomenal. Members have commented on the joy they feel at the information available to the public and to our members. Try and stop in at my county and local site at least twice a week … things are always changing. Do you like...
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About one-half of the rainfall on Long Island trickles down to replenish the aquifers in a process known as “recharge”. Most recharge occurs during the late fall, winter, and early spring (October–April). Rain in the spring and summer often does not reach the aquifers because it is used by vegetation or evaporates in the warm...
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On September 16, 2013 the League of Women Voters of Southwest Nassau, held an open public meeting on the question of “Future Power Shortages – and Seeking Answers.” With responsibility for the deliverance of electricity now shifting from LIPA to PSE&G, a New Jersey-based firm, on January 1,2014, we invited Mr. John O’Connell the Division...
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