Voting Reform Package Passed and Signed by Governor
On Monday, January 14th the New York State Legislature passed a package of reforms that the Governor signed into law on January 24th. They include: Early voting Primary Consolidation Pre-registration for 16 and 17 year olds State-wide voter registration transfer Closure of the LLC loophole Since the 1960s, the state League has fought for comprehensive […]
Don’t Miss “RBG”
To mark the 46th anniversary of the landmark decision that legalized abortion in the United States, Planned Parenthood of Nassau County will be hosting a film screening of “RBG,” the criticallyacclaimed documentary about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s life — followed by an exciting panel discussion. We have been officially invited to this Roe […]
Getting to Know One of Our New State Senators
As a result of the November elections, there will be some changes among the state legislative representatives in our local districts. Members have begun meeting with these new legislators to introduce them to The League, and for us to learn about their priorities. Dania Smith reported that she and Barbara Epstein met with Senator-Elect Kevin […]
How to League Fulfills it’s Mission
Educates Voters by Hosting Forums and other Informational Programs, by Making Accurate Information Available, and by Increasing Voter Registration Advocates for Expanding Voters Access, Reducing Big Money in Politics, Fighting Voting Suppression, and Promoting Immigrant Participation in our Democracy Advocates for Health Care Reform Advocates for Immigrant Rights Advocates for Protection of the Environment […]
Migrants, Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Immigrants: What’s the Difference?
Every day, people around the world make the difficult decision to leave their countries in search of safety and better lives. Currently there are 68.5 million men, women and children escaping war, persecution and political turbulence. These are refuges and asylum seekers. There are others who are looking for jobs or an education – they […]
Holiday Party
Come One, Come All to The LWV of East Nassau 2019 Holiday Party to Welcome the New Year January 16, 2019, 12:30 to 3:30 pm B.K. Sweeny’s Parkside Tavern 356 Broadway, Bethpage, 516-935-9597 $32.00/person
League Urges Bipartisan Committee to Continue to Demand Transparency on the 2020 Census
Jessica Jones Capparell, LWVUS Will the 2020 Census include a question on citizenship? We sure hope not. The Census has not included a question about citizenship in nearly 70 years. It is the responsibility of the Census to count all the people living in the United States – not just the citizens. The League believes […]
Congress Must Pass the Dream Act NOW
It’s time for our leaders in Congress to reset the policy debate and pass the Dream Act. When President Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program last year he created a crisis. It’s time for Congress to resolve this crisis by passing the Dream Act to ensure that 800,000 dreamers are protected. […]
The Drought Watch Has Ended

The US Geological Survey (USGS) resumed their data collection activities in Nassau County in the spring of 2016. Their funding was continued until October 2018 by Nassau County. It is not clear how much longer Nassau County alone will be able to continue to support the essential work of the USGS. It is time for […]
Navy-Grumman Groundwater Plume Update

The clock continues to tick as the massive groundwater plume emanating from the Navy-Grumman site continues to migrate south and to Nassau County’s south shore. A variety of meetings on the plume cleanup efforts were held over the past 5 months, including those sponsored by the NYS DEC/EPA/ Navy-Grumman; Congressman Thomas Suozzi; and Long Island […]