The state League will have a booth at the NYS Fair in Syracuse again this year! We are really excited to have a presence there and provide information to all voters in NYS. BUT we will need lots of volunteers to help staff the table. We will provide the admission ticket and parking ticket and […]
Registering Voters
There are three major areas of focus for League and Leaguers. Voter Service, Education, and Advocacy. All are important, but we tend to focus on different parts at different times of the year. With the election coming up in November, a lot of our time is spent on Voter Service and Education. The focus for […]
Volunteers Needed for Freeport National Night Out
Voter Registration – No Experience Necessary When: August 6, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Where: Cow Meadow Park, Freeport, NY This is an opportunity to do voter registration and educate people about early voting. Ability to speak Spanish would be a big help but is not required. Contact Barbara Epstein, epsteinb1@gmail.com, 516-221-1948.
Presenters Needed! No Experience Necessary – Comprehensive Training Available
For the first time in the history of NYS, New Yorkers will be able to vote early. What does that mean? It means that Nassau County voters will be able to vote in person at any one of fifteen different voting sites around the county from October 26th through November 3rd, as well as at […]
We Need You!!!
As most of our members know, the Leagues in Nassau County sponsor and/or provide moderators for many candidate forums throughout the county during election seasons. These include school board elections and other local elections in addition to the primary and general elections in November. We are now in need of additional moderators from among our […]
Time is Running Out — We Need You!
Volunteers needed to canvass locally for November Election in Nassau County. You do not need to be a LWV member to participate!
In Remembrance of …
Ruth Radow, a longtime Atlantic Beach resident and environmentalist, and a League member, who helped preserve the village’s beaches and its water supply, died on July 23. She was 88. Ruth was truly an advocate in the very sense and meaning of the word. As I look at her efforts that date back to the days […]
September 24th was National Voters Registration Day. Our league setup our registration table at the Stop and Shop in Inwood under the direction of Peter Rosenthal. Our efforts that day were rewarded with 12 new voter registrations. We were so pumped up that on Sunday, September 29th we were registering voters and handing out absentee […]