Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

by Norma Schaeffer, Voter Service Director On June 28, 2019, our usual Freeport Housing Authority cadre came together to monitor the FHA election for Resident Commissioner. The day went smoothly due to everyone arriving at his/her location on time and staying until the ballot boxes were picked up by the maintenance people, who were not...
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The state League received a grant as part of the Making Democracy Work sponsored by The League of Women Voters of US Education Fund. Our project is to educate citizens throughout New York State on all of the new voting laws and also to evaluate the implementation of the new laws during the election.   The...
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Last fall, the Rivertowns League received a phone call from a grandmother who was determined to bring a voter registration form to her grandson’s 18 birthday. She said it was the best present she could give him (although it wasn’t going to be the only one!). That grandmother inspired us to create these Birthday Bundles...
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Election Ahead - vote badge
Who Can Vote? be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file the voter registration form, be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote, not be in jail or on parole for a felony...
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The annual Spring Lobby Day to urge lawmakers to make New York the next state to authorize medical aid in dying for terminally ill adults is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14. Our campaign (Compassion and Choices NY) to authorize the Medical Aid in Dying Act has built support among doctors and seen new co sponsors...
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Convention is coming and there's loads to do for our 100th anniversary. Learn more ...
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As we all listen to maybe way-too-much chatter about the Mueller Report, we can be grateful for the way it is refreshing everyone’s awareness of the fundamental importance of our voting system in our democracy. In New York the new election law reforms mean that we are hyper-focused on both halves of our League mission statement, “Empowering...
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There are members of the current state legislature who would like to end the practice of Fusion Voting in New York State, and others who feel it is important to keep this practice, so perhaps it is time for us to think about where we stand on this issue. What is Fusion Voting? When a...
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LWVNY Convention Museum Event
Even though local Leagues are limited as to the number of voting delegates they can send, members are welcome to attend as non-voting delegates or observers. And, we have a great line-up of speakers on civil discourse, youth and civics, and women’s suffrage history.
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