Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Celebrate with Us

November 19, 2019 is the 100th anniversary of the LWV of NYS. Yes, LWVNYS preceded the National League. Many Leagues across the state plan to raise a glass, cut the cake and celebrate the 100 years of activism of the League of Women Voters of the State of New York on and around November 19.

The Leagues in Nassau County will raise that glass to celebrate a bit earlier, at our Post-Election Supper on November 14. Please join us!!!

The East Nassau League will have our own celebration on November 20. Please join us then for conversation (you may meet some suffragettes) and a sweet treat with tea and/or coffee, as we celebrate the Centennial of the League of Women Voters of New York State. A mini Chinese Auction and a door prize will add to the festivities. You can also expect a presentation by some of our members. Don’t miss it!

Local Leagues are the heart of our grassroots tradition and we celebrate our Leagues across the state and all they have accomplished in the last 100 years. On November 19, 100 years ago the LWVNYS began its tenure as a leading advocate for universal suffrage and building a community in New York State of an informed population which is engaged in their government and its workings.

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