Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Regina Tillman, 3rd Vice President for DEI, rmt370@gmail.com, and Crystal Joseph, DEI Task Force Co-Chair, campus@lwvnyc.org

Good fortune smiled upon us and we easily scored a rescheduling of the workshop that had originally been planned for April. Remarkably, both Kimberlee Yolanda Williams and Debby Irving – as featured co-presenters – were available on a date in October!

So, please do make plans to join us and “SAVE THE DATE” of October 18th at 5:00pm – 7:00pm. The current agenda begins with the discussion of Ms. William’s inaugural entry as an author with her book, “Dear White Woman – Please Come Home”, before proceeding into the workshop portion. Look for registration info shortly as well as more information on how to obtain a copy of the book (maybe even signed), which includes a foreword written by Debby Irving.

We can sense it in the air… so many citizens of this country, our members included, want to do something more than eat turkey for Thanksgiving (November 24th) and turkey leftovers on Native American Heritage Day (November 25th)!

Join us for another amazing 21 Day Challenge; this one entitled the “Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge” and it begins on November 6th. With that Challenge, we will conduct a virtual DEI Drop-In Session during November to discuss your experiences with it. Plus, we will distribute a new one pager on “Land Acknowledgements” that month, developed by one of your DEI Task Force members, Linda McKenney.


With this activity undertaken during November, we are pretty sure that you will be provided the stimulation for connecting the information with your family and friends, or your local League, or engaging another organization you are connected with in new conversations about the Indigenous People of the Americas. If any questions as you go along, or miss any of the online registration forms for accessing these activities, please feel free to connect with me at my email: rmt370@gmail.com .


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