Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Representatives of the LWVNC Inter-League Organization (ILO), including our own Barbara Epstein met recently with representatives of the NC Board of Elections to discuss early voting, electronic voting books, and other new changes to the way we will be voting in NYS. All of these new state mandates will have to be worked out and worked into all county voting systems before Election Day.

The BOE is working hard to get it all into place. The number of early voting places in the county could be anywhere from 7 to 19. Each of these new voting places will require new voting machines with software allowing them to include many more Election districts than the machines we have been using. The early voting dates will be from Sunday, October 26th through Sunday, November 3rd. Hopefully, this will enable more people to vote conveniently, and reduce the long lines that caused problems for voters in some localities around the state.

The county League is in discussion regarding how we can work with the BOE to inform and educate the public regarding the changes being instituted this year. If you would like to be part of the group working to educate the public (and ourselves) about all of these changes, please let Barbara know: 516-221-1948 or epsteinb1@gmail.com.

We are also asking members to volunteer to be election inspectors. A lot more election inspectors will be needed for early voting to work properly. If you or anyone you know would be interested in being an election inspector at the polls, either for the early voting or on Election Day, please call the BOE at 516-571-2411.
