Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Laura Ladd Bierman, Laura@lwvny.org

Voting NewYork.org is LIVE!
The state League’s electronic voter guide is now live for the September primary. Only candidates that are included in the primary are in the guide. All candidates for the November election will be included after the primary. A Toolkit with sample press releases, logo, links, etc is attached – share and use widely! Also, if a candidate hasn’t responsded to our questions, please urge him/her to do so immediately – we’ll update them as we receive them.

Voter Guide Part II
The Voter Guide Part II which will include candidate information for the races for Governor, Attorney General
and Comptroller will be available in late September (we have to wait until after the primary to get them finalized
and printed). An order form is attached; please complete and return by Sept 10 so we be sure to order enough to
be printed. The organ donor registration grant has ended so all local Leagues will need to pay for the supply that
they order.

2019 Students Inside Albany Conference
The 2019 Students Inside Albany Conference will be held May 19-22, 2019 at the Hampton Inn in downtown Albany. Recruitment materials will be mailed to all local Leagues later in September. If you haven’t done so already, please email the state office with the Youth Chair for your local League.

