Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Leagues nationwide are excited to once again take part in National Voter Registration Day, a nationwide, nonpartisan effort to register hundreds of thousands of voters on one single day – September 25th, 2018 – and we hope you’ll join us!

On September 25th , thousands of volunteers from hundreds of diverse organizations will unleash a nationwide field effort to register voters where they are – on their way to work, on campus, in the community, and online. The message is simple: now is the time to register, or update your registration, in time for Election Day.

Now we need your help.

We’re asking every state and local League to take part in National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) by signing up as an official partner and hosting a registration event on September 25th .NVRD has been a huge success for hundreds of participating local Leagues in the last six years. The League has been the single-largest NVRD partner on the ground since 2012, helping to build our organization’s visibility among tens of thousands of new voters and thousands of partners. It has led to hundreds of local and regional news stories covering the League’s important work.

Our 2018 goal is to have 400 local Leagues sign on as partners for the day, and we’re just over halfway there! Your participation is critical to pushing us over the top. Make sure you’re part of the National Voter Registration Day effort by signing up your League as a partner. If you sign up by August 26, you’ll receive free stickers and posters, media templates, training opportunities, and more. You can also join the online conversation by following #NationalVoterRegistrationDay and # MidtermsOnMyTerms on social media.

This election isn’t just about politics; it’s about the future of our country. We know you and your League colleagues are dedicated to making sure every eligible voter has a chance to participate. Voter registration is the key to making sure Americans of all backgrounds—especially first- time young voters, new citizens, people who have moved recently, and those living in underrepresented communities—have their say this November.
