Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

(l to r: Kate, Katrina, Laura, Jennifer and Lisa)
Happy Holidays to all from the state office!


We’ve had a busy fall and we’re preparing for a busy winter and spring. Thanks for everyone’s help on the elections – all 4 (3 primaries and a general election) that there were. You all did amazing work on registering voters, answering questions, providing candidate information and debates or forums, and participating in Vote 411. Once again, we couldn’t have done it all without you. The public counts on the League to provide unbiased, nonpartisan information – and you did!
We’re gearing up now for a busy legislative session. The date for the State of the State is still not confirmed, but the Legislative Calendar  is available here and the first day of the legislative session is January 4. Our Legislative Agenda booklet won’t be available until late January as the leadership of the Senate is still a bit undecided. Watch for our blog, Capitol Beat, with weekly inside information on happenings at the Capitol. And, we’re creating new google groups on specific topics so you can talk with others here in Albany and around the state on particular issues of interest – we’ll have those ready in January, too.
Your local League is hopefully organizing a community forum on the 2017 ballot proposal concerning whether to hold a constitutional convention. Educational materials and resources are posted on the state website for all to see, but help your local League educate the public by offering to participate in this discussion.
And, our statewide history subcommittees are hard at work, exploring resources to celebrate 100 years of women gaining the right to vote in 2017 (watch for info distributed in January) and then the state League’s 100 year anniversary in 2019. There are lots of ways to participate so ask your local League or contact us!
Another busy year to come so make sure you’re active in anyway that is of interest to you. The League has lots to offer – from one-time jobs to monitoring public meetings on an ongoing basis. See how you can become more active in 2017 – we need your help!
Happy Holidays, and peace and joy to all in 2017!
Laura Ladd Bierman, Executive Director

League of Women Voters of NYS

Laura@lwvny.org; Tel: 518-465-4162
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS

Twitter: @LWVNYS
