Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Local League News: April 2022

LWV of the Rochester Metro Area 
The Rochester Metro Area League recently collaborated with several community groups to host a discussion of the NYS parole system. Participants viewed a short film, “The Interview”, which shows what coming up for parole is like and how it changed during the era of mass incarceration. Two 2022 legislative initiatives of the LWVNYS – Elder Parole and Fair and Timely Parole – were discussed.

LWV of East Nassau 
Recently, the East Nassau League hosted “What’s the Big Fuss About COVID-19 Vaccines?”, an educational event meant to combat COVID-19 misinformation. Guests listened to Dr. Michael Hadjiargyrou, PhD, Professor & Chair of Biological & Chemical Sciences and Director of the DO/PhD Program of the College of Osteopathic Medicine at the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). Dr. Hadjiargyrou explained the structure of coronaviruses, the historical development of the COVID-19 vaccines, the science behind them, how they work and some of the misconceptions about the Vaccine and the virus that have proliferated.

LWV of Buffalo/Niagara
The Buffalo/Niagara League is partnering with the Buffalo History Museum and Our Outer Harbor Coalition for an educational event about Buffalo’s Outer Harbor. Attendees will learn how the valuable ecological networks of the Outer Harbor make connections to the surrounding wetlands and to important bird habitats, and how it functions to protect urban areas from lake storms. As host, the will suggest ways to advocate for the whole of the Outer Harbor to become a New York State park.

LWV of Chautauqua
Chautauqua County has a poverty rate of 18%, with about 30% of children living in households living below the federal poverty rate. Additionally, the largest demographic of impoverished individuals in Chautauqua County are women between the ages of 25 – 34. Later this month, the Chautauqua County League will be hosting an event to highlight this very important issue. Guest speakers include Leanna Lukey-Conley, deputy commissioner of Adult Children and Family, and Diane Hewett-Johnson, Chief Executive Officer at Chautauqua Opportunities.

LWV of Albany County 
The Albany County League is holding a Voter Video Competition for High School Juniors and Seniors! Students are encouraged to submit a 2–6-minute video that highlights either student voter eligibility, the voting process, or the importance of voting by young people. The winning student will be awarded a Scholarship prize of $500, and the winning video will be distributed to Albany County High Schools and beyond for use in youth voter education.

LWV of New York City 
The NYC League recently hosted New York Law School’s Jeff Wice to discuss the recent New York State redistricting process and how the new map could influence state legislation. He also discussed the status of a court challenge to the new congressional and state legislative district lines, and the upcoming 2022 New York City Council redistricting process.

LWV of White Plains
As the city of White Plains plays hosts the inspiring statue Harriet Tubman: The Journey to Freedom, the League of Women Voters of White Plains, the NAACP of White Plains/Greenburgh, the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, the Delta Sigma Theta sorority and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority will partner on a series of voter registration/voter education drives. See more info and a video on the project here.


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