Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

March is Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month celebrates the often- overlooked contributions of women in history, society, and culture. It has been observed annually in the United States and other countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, every March since 1987

March is selected as the month for observing Women’s History Month to correspond with International Women’s Day on March 8. Canada observes it in October to correspond with Persons Day on October 18.

National Women’s History Alliance

Our guest speaker will be retired Nassau County Detective Joanne Distler, who will speak about her experience as a member of the Nassau County Police Force and dispel some of the misconceptions members of the public frequently have about law enforcement.

There will be a question-and-answer period following her presentation. Feel free to invite friends, neighbors and relatives to join us for this interesting and informative program, which will be via ZOOM. A link will be sent to all members prior to the meeting. Non-members wanting to attend can send an email to EastNassauLWV@gmail.com to request the link.


Women's History MonthFor three years, the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative has worked to uncover and amplify the fascinating and inspiring roles of women throughout American history—ordinary and extraordinary women who led movements or worked behind the scenes, changing the nation for the better with strength, ingenuity and courage. These same goals will guide the forthcoming Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum.


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