Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

As some of you have heard, the state League will not be subscribing to Vote 411 this year for its electronic voter guide. Instead, we have a contract with Ballot Ready to provide race and candidate information online.

You can view their website at: https://www.ballotready.org/ or see how ours will look at the LWV of Illinois website

The good news is that the local Leagues will have to do NOTHING for this program but can provide questions for candidates if they desire. Ballot Ready will cover ALL races in NYS for the June primary, September primary and the November general election.

This year the NYS League has launched a new initiative to help keep members up to date on what’s going on in Albany. Their weekly legislative newsletter includes what’s happening at the Capitol, upcoming events surrounding
advocacy, weekly legislative committee agenda, and weekly League news clips. The newsletter is sent by email to
members every Friday.

If you haven’t been receiving the newsletter, check your Spam or Junk folder or email: Jennifer@lwvny.org to make
sure you’re on the list
