Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Crystal Joseph, campus@lwvnyc.org, and Nick Doran, ndoran33@gmail.com

Welcome back to another school year and great opportunities on the horizon with our Leagues. This summer our youth steering committee used all the input from this year’s regional training to craft a resource page on our state website. In many cases, you will notice that all of the successful programs which serve students well, across the state, were included in our toolkit which can be adaptable for a variety of student learners, leaders and used for outreach or training events. If your local League is like most, the challenge is always understanding the audience, abilities and discerning which program model will work best. Over the past few months, we posed as many questions to our League leaders, student members and received as much input as possible to help continue to answer the call to civic readiness and election preparedness. With much thought, this toolkit illustrates the common areas that schools, community groups and campuses have found to be helpful training practices from our organization. Our hope is that you will have the opportunity to review the toolkit and join us in early October when we host our back-to-school webinar. Presently, our task force members are working on three areas of focus for fresh directives to engage our youth: social media literacy, challenges in the traditional classroom post pandemic and using more college campuses as election poll-sites including how to organize campus

partners for continued support. Come and join us this October with feedback on any summer projects that your local League has found to be successful and other ideas that can help us better serve the thoughts, judgements, and impressions our young voters have on the sustained civic engagement process.

LWVNYS Youth Committee Back-to-School Event, October 12th, 6 – 7:30 PM

Register HERE
