Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

By: Sarah Courtney 01/23/2017
On January 21, 2017 millions of women and men around the world turned out to make our voices heard. The Women’s March was an historic day that brought attention to important issues – but our work is just beginning. Here are some actions you can take RIGHT NOW to make a difference in your community and beyond.

1. Join the League of Women Voters!

The League is working to make a difference and actively engaging people in more than 700 communities around the country. Attend a local League event to get involved in our work to engage with elected officials, empower new voters and to learn about issues that impact your community.

2. Call Congress + and call them often!

Elected officials work for the people and need to hear from concerned citizens like you. Whether you marched to protect voting rights, healthcare or the environment, make sure Congress knows YOUR priorities.

3. Register to Vote- and help your friends get registered!

It might not be an election year where you live + but it’s never too early to make sure your registration is up to date. The League works year-round in hundreds of communities to prepare eligible voters. Check out http://www.vote411.org/ for more information.

4. Make a Donation to Defend our Democracy!

Your support makes it possible for the League to take a stand in statehouses and courtrooms across the country.

5. Become an e-Activist!

Read updates from the League and take action by holding your elected officials accountable on the League’s key priorities like voting rights and money in politics.

Making your voice heard never goes out of style and we were so proud to stand strong as an official partner of the Women’s March on Washington. Now let’s keep the momentum going!

Not sure who represents you?

Visit http://bit.ly/locateUS to locate your US Senators and Representatives, as well as local Legislators

Your President President Donald J. Trump

Phone:(202) 456-1111 Fax:(202) 456-2461

Your Governor Gov. Jerry Brown

Phone:(916) 445-2841 Fax:(916) 558-3160

Your Senators Sen. Dianne Feinstein

HSOB- Hart Senate Office Building, Room 331 120 Constitution Avenue, NE Washington DC 20510-0504 Phone:(202) 224-3841 Fax:(202) 228-3954 One Post Street San Francisco CA 94104-5240 Sen. Kamala Harris

DSOB- Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room B40-B 100 Constitution Avenue, NE Washington DC 20510 Phone:(202) 224-3553 Fax:(202) 228-3863 312 North Spring Street Los Angeles CA 90012-2470

Your Representatives Rep. Anna Eshoo

District: FH-CA18 CHOB- Cannon House Office Building, Room 241 25 Independence Avenue, SE Washington DC 20515-0518 Phone:(202) 225-8104 Fax:(202) 225-8890 698 Emerson Street Palo Alto CA 94301-1609

Your State Legislators

State House Hon. Marc Berman

District: SH-CA024 Phone:(916) 319-2024 Fax:(916) 319-2124 Email:assemblymember.berman@assembly.ca.gov

State Senate Sen. Jerry Hill

District: SS-CA013 Phone:(916) 651-4013 Fax:(916) 651-4913 Email:senator.hill@senate.ca.gov
