Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Nancy Rosenthal, VP for Voter Services, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com

NY State has two primaries:

Up to date and accurate information on the primaries and deadlines for the primaries, and for the general election, can always be found on the state League website at: https://lwvny.org/voting/.

If voters have issues at the polls, two hotlines are available if they encounter any problems when trying to vote. They can call these hotlines for legal assistance and guidance to make their vote count.

One hotline is operated by the NYS Attorney General’s office:
Call – (866) 390-2992
June 18th through June 26th (9am to 6pm)
June 28th (6am to 9pm)
FAQs: https://ag.ny.gov/election-protection
Complaint Form: https://ag.ny.gov/election-hotline

The other hotline is from the NY Democratic Lawyers’ Committee:
Main line: 1-888-369-8683 (1-888-3NY-VOTE)
Spanish Line: 1-888-369-8682 (1-888-3NY-VOTA)
Helpline Hours
Mon – Fri: 9 am – 8 pm
Sat – Sun: 10 am – 7 pm

Vote 411
VOTE411.org is live for the June primary election! VOTE411.org provides election information and what will be on the ballot Election Day.  Using the QR Code on postings provides many with greater access to VOTE411.org. If candidates in your area have not yet responded on Vote 411, please nudge them to do it – contact their campaign and tell them it’s important for all voters to know their positions on issues. Let’s all get the word out on this valuable election tool, VOTE411.org.

Texting Service (text VoteNY to 474747)
Encourage members and voters to sign up for the League’s texting service (text VoteNY to 474747) to get timely reminders on voting.
