Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

57th Biennial State Convention – June 9-11


Our biennial state League Convention is being held at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool (just outside Syracuse) from June 9-11. All members are welcome to join us, as voting delegates, visitors or just as observers. Come see what the state League is doing – and help determine our leadership and programs for the next 2 years.

To register for Convention in any capacity (voting or not), see the Registration Kit here or register online here. A reminder that all registrations were due TODAY, but we will accept late registrations. (If you want to be a voting delegate, check with your local League President to see if they have filled all the delegate spots)

Workshops are free and open to all (Friday, 8-9pm, Saturday, 8:30-9:30am and 8-10pm)- but we would prefer that you register for them so we have enough seating in the rooms. You can read the descriptions of all the workshops, caucuses and information session in the Pre Convention Kit here. The Pre Convention Kit also has the proposed budget, proposed bylaw amendments, proposed program and positions (including a recommendation for a concurrence on a Death with Dignity position), and the officers and directors nominated for the next 2 years – all items that will be voted on during plenary sessions at Convention.

On Saturday, June 10, we have a lunch with a speaker, Sally Roesch Wagner, (Professor, Syracuse University and Director, Matilda Joslyn Gage Center for Social Justice Dialogue) presenting The Rest of the Story of the Suffrage Movement. Join us for lunch and the speaker ($40) by registering here or just come by for the speaker at 12:30 at no cost! All are welcome.

Dinner on Saturday evening is also open to all members. There will be a reception at 5:30 and dinner (6:15), with presentation of awards to local Leagues. Register here for $50 to include reception, dinner and presentations.

Finally, we are offering a tour of Seneca Falls with dinner at the Gould Hotel in Seneca Falls for all members and their friends or family ($70 per person). This tour is on Friday, June 9, with buses leaving the Liverpool Holiday Inn hotel at 12:30. Visits include the Elizabeth Cady Stanton home, Women’s Hall of Fame, and the Women’s Rights National Historical Park and Wesleyan Chapel. Register for the tour here (download, print and mail) or directly online here.

To reserve a room at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool, call (315) 457-1122  using the code LWV or go to Holiday Inn Syracuse/Liverpool website and use the code LWV to receive the reduced rate of $110 per room per night. This block expires on May 18. There are a limited number of rooms available only until May 18; after that date, there is no guarantee of rooms or the price.

Volunteers are Needed!

Volunteers are needed to help at the state Convention. You should all send as many voting delegates as you are entitled, but if you have others that want to attend only part of Convention, encourage them to become volunteers. Here are some reasons why:

  • Delegates can volunteer during non-plenary hours.
  • Visitors can volunteer during plenary and observe plenary at no charge.
  • Volunteering is a great way to meet and network with fellow Leaguers.

Contact Joan Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator, at 315-488-4339 or by email at jaj62@twcny.rr.com.

Come join the fun and meet some new League friends!

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