Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

December is upon us. As I look back on this last year, I see what we have done to register voters and to continue to educate and inform our membership. I reflect on our tireless efforts on redistricting here in Nassau County and how that work is now continuing with a second grant from the...
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Learn more about the UN Secretary-General’s Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women and why this initiative is so very important to all of us. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yvT85TitEI] Under the heading ‘Safe Spaces for Women and Girls’, this year the UNiTE campaign is focusing its Orange Day activities on highlighting recommendations of the agreed conclusions of the 57th session of the...
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On October 8th over 100 people attended the 2013 League Day at the United Nations Secretary-Generals United to End Violence Against Women Campaign.  Four people from our League, Joe Kolodny, Sallie Prisyon, Peter Rosenthal and Gloria White were present in Washington D.C. to attend this very important and informative meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to “raise public awareness, and increase...
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We held the first of what we hope will be many Update on Issues Conference Calls on November 6. Over 20 members signed up in advance and more tuned into the ninety-minute discussion about the Women’s Equality Agenda. We heard Barb Thomas, LWVNYS Board Member and Pay Equity Issue Specialist, give us a rundown of...
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According to recent data from the New York State Tax Department, 52% of Nassau County homeowners have yet to re-register for their Basic STAR exemption. If you or someone you know is a homeowner that currently receives the Basic STAR exemption, please take the time to register or forward this important information. The registration deadline...
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Have you looked at the County website  (www.lwveastnassau.org) lately????  It is pretty darn phenomenal. Members have commented on the joy they feel at the information available to the public and to our members. Try and stop in at my county and local site at least twice a week … things are always changing. Do you like...
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October has been a busy month for Leaguers.  We held well over a dozen candidate forums throughout Nassau County;  there have been several articles in Newsday and the Herald about these forums. I had the good fortune to travel with our own Harris Dinkoff who moderated at several of them .  It is delightful at...
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Congratulations on Registering to Vote! As a citizen (age 18 or older) you have the right and responsibility to vote in elections. Educate yourself on the candidates and issues in each election. Once your registration has been processed by your county Board of Elections you will be mailed a card giving your polling place. If...
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About one-half of the rainfall on Long Island trickles down to replenish the aquifers in a process known as “recharge”. Most recharge occurs during the late fall, winter, and early spring (October–April). Rain in the spring and summer often does not reach the aquifers because it is used by vegetation or evaporates in the warm...
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On September 16, 2013 the League of Women Voters of Southwest Nassau, held an open public meeting on the question of “Future Power Shortages – and Seeking Answers.” With responsibility for the deliverance of electricity now shifting from LIPA to PSE&G, a New Jersey-based firm, on January 1,2014, we invited Mr. John O’Connell the Division...
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