Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The State League is celebrating its Partnership Award again this year. An electronic invitation has been sent to all members for whom we have email addresses. Please print out the attached invitation and make it available at your upcoming League meetings for those who do not have email addresses. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs102/1102704766323/archive/1113273379824.html
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There are always the naysayers who deny that global warming is taking place and then there are others who say we can always address this issue later. The determining factor, too often, is the cost, and the question becomes, to pay later or not to pay? The dollar is the guiding force and reality be...
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Hello. My name is Samantha Cohen and I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Albany this year. I have expanded my mind by familiarizing myself with new ideas and information I thought I would never have the opportunity to gain. This experience was unforgettable and more informational than any other trip or opportunity I’ve ever had...
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Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May.  This federal holiday was formally known as “Decoration Day” and commemorates all men and women, who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of the summer...
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The NY Women’s Equality Agenda (WEA) has a good chance of becoming law this session – if you do your part! We need you to: Write a letter to your senator; Call your senator’s office Send an email to your senator (do all 3 things spread over this week); Attend the rally on June 4, 2013 –  your...
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All this fuss about the Second Amendment and do we really know the genesis of this contentious amendment? The Second Amendment was ratified on December 15, 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights which, in itself, became part of a much debated part of the Constitution.  This one particular amendment’s language was altered several times...
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The NY Women’s Equality Agenda (WEA) has a good chance of becoming law this session – if you do your part! We need you to: Write a letter to your senator; Call your senator’s office Send an email to your senator (do all 3 things spread over this week); Attend the rally on June 4, 2013 –  your...
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Time is running out to protect and manage the aquifers and water supply of Long Island. The Long Island water supply, the groundwater stored beneath all of Long Island, continues to be polluted, wasted and depleted. Seventy percent of New York State is served by one of the three professional management compacts (river basin/watershed commissions)...
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Well there you have it. Ninety percent of the people in this country have told Congress that it is time to do something about background checks on buyers of guns. So what difference did that make to the people we send to represent us? Obviously not very much. The Senate has decided that what the...
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The state League and 47 of our local Leagues have signed on as supporters of the Women’s Equality Agenda, which would break down common barriers to equality that women face every day. You can find the entire Agenda as proposed by Governor Cuomo at http://nywomensequality.org. At this point there is no legislative language, but we...
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