Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Voter service

Voter Service Kudos to Barbara Epstein for her indefatigable work presenting and explaining the ballot proposals to just about every group in the county that was interested in hearing about them. Barbara’s talk and our PowerPoint presentation (produced expertly by Peggy Stein and Barbara and reviewed by our board of directors) helped to ensure that […]

Election Day History

Election Day History January 7, 1789 – The first electors were chosen for the first US presidential election. February 4, 1789 – George Washington was elected president. January 23, 1845 – By the act of Congress, the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November was designated as Election Day for presidential elections. Why November? […]

The Perils of Plastic Pollution

The Perils of Plastic Pollution “Ocean plastic pollution threatens the viability of critical marine ecosystems, and plastics never go away. Instead, they break down into smaller and smaller pieces, which act as magnets for harmful pollutants. When eaten by fish, some of those chemical-laden microplastics can work their way up the food chain and into […]

Youth and Civics Committee

Youth and Civics Committee Crystal Joseph, campus@lwvnyc.org, and Nick Doran, ndoran33@gmail.com, Co-Chairs The Youth Committee (photo on left) is pleased to be compiling a list of all youth programs organized by Leagues in NYS. The list and descriptions will be shared with all local Leagues for possible replication. Each month, the Committee will highlight one […]

LWVNYS DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) Task Force

happy world peace day with hands of all colors

LWVNYS DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) Task Force Regina Tillman, rmt371@live.com and Crystal Joseph, campus@lwvnyc.org, Co-Chairs A small but committed group of Leaguers from across NYS participated in the second round of workshops by Debby Irving, conducted on October 19th. The info was intense and engaging for the 80 or so that participated for 4 […]

Voter’s Services

            Voter Services Nancy Rosenthal, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com A hearty “Thank You” to all the Voter Service team members, as well as to all the other Leaguers who stepped up to help with registering voters and participating in our Get Out the Vote efforts for the November, 2021 general election. Many Leagues have […]

League State Office: September 2021

The Funds for Modern Courts

We have shipped over 29.000 Voter Guide Part IIs in English to local Leagues. We have also shipped almost 9,000 in Spanish and 600 Korean and 700 Chinese versions. On the website we have all these, plus Arabic, Karen and Burmese posted. We also created a flyer with a QR code that can be used […]

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: September 2021

LWVNYS DEI News and Drop In Zone

Attendance of the President’s Meeting Conversation about school Board meeting disruptions indicated that the topic shifts over time from resistance to mask mandates to that of rejecting CRT (Critical Race Theory). Presidents asked for advice on how to deal with. After the meeting, Task Force Co-Chairs agreed between themselves to research for several resources on […]

Voter Services

Voter Registration at vote.org

We are all gearing up for the League’s busy time of year with the general election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.  Many of us have been busily entering candidates’ information into the League’s online Voters Guide,  vote411.org, as well as determining the questions for the candidates.  National Voter Registration Day (Tuesday September 28, 2021) was yesterday! Don’t forget […]

Youth Committee: September 2021

Vintage Schoolhouse Rock Image from the 1970s that says Vote

The Youth Committee met for the first time on September 28, 2021, to discuss the Committee’s role and goals over the next two years. Co-Chair Crystal Joseph provided an introduction to the Committee. She discussed identifying regional leads and how the Committee should be used as a resource to hear and engage youth. She emphasized […]