Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Voter Service: September 2022

Voter Registration Events Sunday, September 18th – Syosset Street Fair If interested in helping contact Barbara Josepher – bobbiejosepher@gmail.com Sunday, September 25th – Bellmore Street Fair If interested in helping contact Carol Bergman – iccsisterhood@yahoo.com Any other ideas for locations contact Barbara Epstein-epsteinb1@gmail.com  

Texting Service (text VoteNY to 474747)

Smart watch with the words Text VoteNY to 474747

Encourage members and voters to sign up for the League’s texting service (text VoteNY to 474747) to get timely reminders on voting. The Voter Service Committee and our voter service contacts with each local League are working together to GOTV. Check out the GOTV Tool Kit for new ideas (attached). And be sure to submit […]

Concurrences on State Studies

two wooden figures shaking hands to show agreement

At its Board meeting in December 2021, the LWVNYS Board approved materials to be distributed to all local Leagues and members in January 2022 for consideration of a new position on the structure of election administration in New York state. An Election Administration Structure Committee was created after approval of a new study on the […]

Voter Services: June 2022

Let's Vote

Nancy Rosenthal, VP for Voter Services, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com NY State has two primaries: June 28 Primary: candidates in races for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, NYS Assembly seats; and August 23 Primary: candidates in races for US Congressional seats and NYS Senate seats Up to date and accurate information on the primaries and deadlines for the primaries, and for […]

NY State Fair: June 2022

The Great New York State Fair

The state League will have a booth at the NYS Fair in Syracuse again this year! We are really excited to have a presence there and provide information to all voters in NYS. BUT we will need lots of volunteers to help staff the table. We will provide the admission ticket and parking ticket and […]

Voter’s Services

            Voter Services Nancy Rosenthal, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com A hearty “Thank You” to all the Voter Service team members, as well as to all the other Leaguers who stepped up to help with registering voters and participating in our Get Out the Vote efforts for the November, 2021 general election. Many Leagues have […]