Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

judge's gavel
One of two gavels used by Susan B. Anthony at the National Suffrage Convention in Atlanta in 1895 is now on display in the Governor’s office on loan from LWVNYS. The date March 3, 1895 is inscribed in ink on the gavel head. Mrs. F. Warren Green of Larchmont presented the gavel to the state...
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Report from the Redistricting Committee Attached below are slides from the LWVPWM Redistricting Committee on our work thus far this year (July-December 2021) that was presented at today’s board meeting. The letter from LWVNY Executive Director Laura Bierman about the breakdown of the Independent Redistricting Committee. Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in...
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We were all excited about finally getting together in person to celebrate the New Year at the LWV of East Nassau’s 2022 Holiday Party which was to take place on Wednesday, January 19, at TOTO’S Restaurant at the Jones Beach Hotel. And, then came Omicron! Not wanting to take a chance on the health and...
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A Transparent Approach in the 19th Century Let Voters Know Their Ballots Were Counted …The hyped-up panic over voter fraud is nothing new, despite what headlines might lead people to believe… But while fraudulent voting has been found to be quite rare, perhaps one of the most innovative ways to safeguard against it while also...
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What Will the Infrastructure and Jobs Act Do for NYS? According to an email message from Congressmember Kathleen Rice, Long Island’s “once state-ofthe-art roads, bridges, airports, public transit, and water infrastructure have fallen into a state of disrepair and no longer support the needs of our communities.” The recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act...
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A Transparent Approach in the 19th Century Let Voters Know Their Ballots Were Counted …The hyped-up panic over voter fraud is nothing new, despite what headlines might lead people to believe… But while fraudulent voting has been found to be quite rare, perhaps one of the most innovative ways to safeguard against it while also...
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How Does The League Select Issues for Emphasis? In League, Program means the issues that we choose for concerted study, education, and action at local, state, and national levels. Program can include both education and action . The Program Planning process is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization; each League member has...
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LWV Studies We are often asked why we have a position on one issue or piece of legislation and yet not on another. The reason is that we do not take positions on issues, or legislation unless we have studied the issues and have come to a consensus about them. These studies can be on...
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Action and Advocacy We are truly a grassroots organization… The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause. Positions result from a process of study. Any given study, whether it be National, State,...
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