Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

LWVUS Board Sets Legislative Priorities for 2017    The LWVUS Board set the following as the legislative priorities for 2017: Campaign for Making Democracy Work™ (MDW), with special emphasis on protecting voting rights. Watchdog: Respond strategically on issues with LWV positions when needed, but focus on the campaign for Making Democracy Work™. The board recognizes...
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Kate Jankowski, Director of Communications & Development, Kate@lwvny.org Our annual solicitation letter for the League of Women Voters of NYS will hit your mailbox soon. If you’d like to get a jump on your annual gift, you can give now by clicking here: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/hQUE1blw9x-qEEC6eqk1Yg. Thank you for your support of our efforts to make democracy work!
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Jennifer Wilson, Director of Program & Policy, jennifer@lwvny.org   Budget Testimony This year the League submitted and presented testimony at a total of three budget hearings. We submitted testimony on election law to the Joint Committee on Public Protection and education testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. We presented our testimony on ethics reforms...
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Thank you for everything all of you did this fall to register voters, distribute voters guides, organize Vote 411 and hold candidate forums for the general election. We also very much appreciate your help and support in our successful effort to pass Proposal 1 on the ballot, reforming how redistricting is done in this state....
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Tuesday, September 16 at 7pm Hewlett Woodmere Library Round Table Candidate Forum 4th Congressional District — Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Hofstra University Rice v Blakeman Hewlett Woodmere Library – Wednesday, October 22 at 7pm NY State  Senate 9  Skelos v Gillespie Jr NY State Assembly 20 Kaminsky v Fertig NY State Assembly 21 Shapiro v Curran US Congress...
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The following is a reminder to know more about the charities to which we contribute.  Many charities have contracts with fundraisers who get the biggest share of the donations.  The following report on CNN is just a cautionary tale. Recently, on CNN, Anderson Cooper 360 spoke about the abuse of certain fundraising activities.  He announced that the New...
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This week we conclude with the advancements made by Citizens Union and the League of Women Voters of  New York State. 6. What criteria must be considered by the Commission in the drawing of district lines? In addition to the threshold requirements that proposed districts be contiguous, compact and as close to equal in size as...
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2. How will the ten-member independent commission (“the Commission”) be appointed? Each of the four legislative leaders will appoint two members, and two additional members will be appointed by a vote of not less than five of the original eight members. These two additional members will not have been enrolled in either of the two...
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1. What will the proposed constitutional amendment accomplish? Establishment of an independent commission with representation by the minority party, third parties and independents instead of total control by the majority party.LATFOR, which has drawn lines during the past four redistricting cycles, was controlled by the majorities in each house. The new plan replaces LATFOR with...
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