Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

By Executive Director: Laura Ladd Bierman, Laura@lwvny.org

State Convention is Coming! The League’s state Convention is scheduled for June 7-9, 2019, at the Hilton in downtown Albany.

Registration Kit

The registration kit has been emailed to all members of the state League. One paper copy was also emailed to each local League. Even though local Leagues are limited as to the number of voting delegates they can send, members are welcome to attend as non-voting delegates or observers. And, we have a great line-up of speakers on civil discourse, youth and civics, and women’s suffrage history. I’ve attached another copy of the Kit. Sign up now and encourage your members to join us! It’s a great learning experience for those newer members and great networking potential for all.


Now is the time for you all to think about the spectacular things you’ve done in the past 2 years and tell us about them! We want to honor your great achievements! Don’t be shy – boast and share with us!

The full packet for the awards is attached – read them over, complete the form and send it back to us with newspapers clippings, photos, etc to showcase your great work!

We need all the submissions by April 30 so we have time to evaluate and select the winners. Talk with your board, committees, and members to see what you’d like to highlight (you can submit to more than one category!). We can’t wait to read what you’ve done.

Vote 411

I’m so pleased that so many of our local Leagues are stepping up and working with Vote 411 again! Nonpartisan, credible information is so important to the public’s ability to be an educated voter. So, thanks for your hard work and efforts. The state League and LWVUS are committed to helping you all make the program a success – just ask for help if you need it!

While we were so very lucky to have a donor step forward and provide the funding for the LWVUS license of Vote 411, there are additional costs to the state League for this program.

In the past, we have charged local Leagues a minimal fee to show their commitment to the program. We do understand that all local Leagues have stretched budgets and are struggling financially, but we are asking for a donation of $50 from local Leagues to the LWVNYS Education Foundation for the extra costs of Vote 411.

If your League cannot afford this $50, we understand and will not require it, but we do believe that many local Leagues can afford it – and currently the state League could use your financial support.

If possible, please send a check payable to LWVNYS Education Foundation or a signed withdrawal form from your grants management account in the amount of $50. We greatly appreciate any support you can provide to the state League.

Sustainer Plaques and Chocolates

Don’t forget that you can honor Leagues leaders with an engraved plaque at the state office. With a $200 donation (through League or your Education Funds), we will engraved the wording you choose, send you a certificate with that wording to present to the honoree, and engrave the wording on a plaque hanging in the state office. More information is attached.

Sustainer Plaque

Also, to honor outgoing board members, etc, we have delicious chocolates available at $2 each in the shape of the LWV logo. Just call the office to order.

LWV Chocolates


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