Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The Pre Convention Kit is now available (attached, emailed to all registered delegates and posted on the state League website). In this Kit is the information you need to be an educated voter at Convention: Proposed 2019-20 Budget, Proposed Bylaw Amendments, Proposed 2019-2021 Program Planning, and Nominating Committee report for the 2019-2021 LWVNYS Officers and...
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Wow! Wow! Wow! Convention is here!!! This is your time to shine! Youth Programs that you and your League  have supported are being showcased with displays and write ups in the sales room. Make sure you enjoy not only your own display but also the displays of others throughout the state.  Not able to attend...
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EVERY local League MUST complete and return the attached Local League Update form, even if no one on your board has changed! This is crucial for the state office to know who to contact for what and who to include on group emails, etc. The people you list do NOT have to be on your...
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It’s not too late to sign up for Convention – we even take walk-ins!  Yes, it’s at least one day (if not three) away from home and we know it’s not free. But here are just a few reasons why I hope your League is sending as large a delegation as possible: Convention won’t happen...
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The annual Spring Lobby Day to urge lawmakers to make New York the next state to authorize medical aid in dying for terminally ill adults is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14. Our campaign (Compassion and Choices NY) to authorize the Medical Aid in Dying Act has built support among doctors and seen new co sponsors...
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FEATURED SPEAKERS (more details in registration kit) “Civil Discourse: How Can We Achieve That Today?” Friday, June 7, 6:30 pm Robert Boatright, PhD, Director of Research, National Institute of Civil Discourse and Professor and Chair, Political Science Department, Clark University “Action Civics: A 21st Century Approach to Educating Youth for Democratic Participation”  Saturday, June 8, 12...
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Convention is coming and there's loads to do for our 100th anniversary. Learn more ...
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As a tribute to the special women in your life, click here to make a tax deductible donation to the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation for Mother’s Day by May 1, 2019. This gift may be made in honor or your mother, sister, friend or any woman who has impacted your life. In...
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Representatives of the LWVNC Inter-League Organization (ILO), including our own Barbara Epstein met recently with representatives of the NC Board of Elections to discuss early voting, electronic voting books, and other new changes to the way we will be voting in NYS. All of these new state mandates will have to be worked out and...
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As we all listen to maybe way-too-much chatter about the Mueller Report, we can be grateful for the way it is refreshing everyone’s awareness of the fundamental importance of our voting system in our democracy. In New York the new election law reforms mean that we are hyper-focused on both halves of our League mission statement, “Empowering...
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