Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The LWVNYS Biennial Convention will be held on June 2-4, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Albany – Desmond Hotel (yes, it’ll be an in-person Convention). We have started to make plans for the Convention and your local League should, too. The Registration Kit will be emailed in late February so start thinking about who might...
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Voter Services on the state, county, and local level are and will continue to be extremely busy this year.  With the new reforms in our election laws, increased interest and involvement of young people in civics, and our highly polarized political climate where it is often difficult to get the facts, our mission to involve...
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(register online at https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/MPjzKWEH__gPayLis8Y0EQ ) “Civil Discourse: How Can We Achieve That Today?” Friday, June 7, 6:30 pm Robert Boatright, PhD, Director of Research, National Institute of Civil Discourse and Professor and Chair, Political Science Department, Clark University “Action Civics: A 21st Century Approach to Educating Youth for Democratic Participation” Saturday, June 8, 12 noon...
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Delegates can volunteer at times other than plenary session and volunteers for plenary can observe plenary session. Volunteers may also sit in on workshops and other events, excluding meals, without paying. Unfortunately, the meals are expensive so they would have to register and pay to attend a meal event.  Volunteers are usually booked for a...
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Plans for showcasing our youth programs at convention have progressed. Convention workshop for Youth Programs is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, from 8:30 -9:45 AM.  The three programs that youth chairs chose to be highlighted are: Youth Engaging Youth, Next Step (LWV of Huntington) Citizenship and Political Activism (CAPA) (LWV of the North Country) Running...
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There are a number of workshops at Convention on advocacy topics. On Friday evening, Jennifer Wilson, former LWVNYS Legislative Director, will lead a workshop on advocacy training and current hot topics in the legislature. Beth Radow, LWVNYS Chair of the Energy, Environment and Agriculture Committee, will lead a workshop on Food Waste and Food Insecurity...
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The Pre Convention Kit is now available (attached, emailed to all registered delegates and posted on the state League website). In this Kit is the information you need to be an educated voter at Convention: Proposed 2019-20 Budget, Proposed Bylaw Amendments, Proposed 2019-2021 Program Planning, and Nominating Committee report for the 2019-2021 LWVNYS Officers and...
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Wow! Wow! Wow! Convention is here!!! This is your time to shine! Youth Programs that you and your League  have supported are being showcased with displays and write ups in the sales room. Make sure you enjoy not only your own display but also the displays of others throughout the state.  Not able to attend...
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It’s not too late to sign up for Convention – we even take walk-ins!  Yes, it’s at least one day (if not three) away from home and we know it’s not free. But here are just a few reasons why I hope your League is sending as large a delegation as possible: Convention won’t happen...
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