Election Preparations Begin Now
Here we are, September, and a very full next few months ahead. We have the September 9, 2014 primary with the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor the only primary races for Nassau County residents. On September 16th, our League has a general meeting to discuss issues we see and the candidates see for the […]
President’s Message
Here it is we thought we might give our newsletter editor, Alisa, a bit of a summer reprieve, but League work goes on and you can see by the newsletter there is much information to share! Most importantly is the general meeting on Tuesday, July 29th, 7pm at the Elmont Library on GUNS! This is […]
President’s Message
I’m at cruising altitude, returning home from a few days of skiing with family in Big Sky, Montana. The conditions and weather could not have been any better! I took a ski lesson my second morning and at lunch that day I commented how my instructor was not so good; yet, as I skied that […]
President Message
Last Sunday, I was on a panel at Alden Terrace Elementary School in North Valley Stream, talking about student voter registration and redistricting. There was a terrific turnout of the community on a Sunday afternoon and a dialogue that was refreshing. What I found most refreshing though was this school. Amy Buchanan is the Principal […]
President’s Message
Trust it has been cold enough for everyone! The cold and snow again had us cancel a League Event, our January 28th meeting on Climate Changes. Kind of ironic to cancel a meeting on climate because of climate! That meeting we hope to have later in the year. On Monday, February 10, League will work […]
President’s Message – January 2014
We had to cancel our League Holiday Party due to the snow, ice and cold! A week later, it is low 50s to maybe 60 degrees? Go figure! Sorry to miss getting together, but we will reschedule! On January 28th, Tuesday, 1pm at the Hewlett Woodmere Library, we will have a meeting on Climate Change on Long […]
President’s Message – December 2013
December is upon us. As I look back on this last year, I see what we have done to register voters and to continue to educate and inform our membership. I reflect on our tireless efforts on redistricting here in Nassau County and how that work is now continuing with a second grant from the […]
It’s Election Time Again!
October has been a busy month for Leaguers. We held well over a dozen candidate forums throughout Nassau County; there have been several articles in Newsday and the Herald about these forums. I had the good fortune to travel with our own Harris Dinkoff who moderated at several of them . It is delightful at […]
As October approaches, I look at the many candidate forums that will be occurring throughout Nassau County and what the means to us in League as we provide the opportunities for the voting public to learn about those running for office and who may be elected to represent them within their communities. I encourage you […]
As we settle into September, that “back to school” month we never seem to get out of our system, we are looking forward to the November election in Nassau County. The elections for the newly redistricted Legislative Districts will be occurring, with the Five Towns having four new County Legislative districts: LD # 3 D-Carrie […]